Learn more about Uncovering Roman Carlisle through the articles and videos below…

Uncovering Roman Carlisle . Uncovering Roman Carlisle .

Tyrian Purple

A very rare archaeological discovery - thought to be the only one of its type in the former Roman Empire - has been discovered in Carlisle.

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“The Baths Conceal so Many Secret Joys”

This talk explores the impact of the community archaeological project, in particular the experiences of the volunteers who have enabled it to happen. We shall hear their own words, focussing upon the artefacts they discovered and the object biographies which they contributed to creating.

This talk was given to the Council for British Archaeology (CBA) as part of their Festival of Archaeology 2024.

Find more about the CBA here.

Learn about the Site and Exhibitions

Over 100 Talks have been given now across the UK and Europe, the videos below summarise the 2024 Summer Excavation with Pete Savin, and the 2022-2023 Exhibitions with Dr Dot Boughton and Connecting Archaeology.

Pete Savin, a URC Volunteer, takes us through the 2024 Summer Excavation with his Youtube channel, Roman History Walks.

Dr Dot Boughton takes us through the creation of the URC Tullie exhibition and touring exhibition.

Metal Detecting

A video from 2022 by professional detectorist Ian Hughes. Ian was asked to return to the Roman site to detect the ground again, with other volunteer detectorists.

After the site is backfilled we detect it as the ground settles to see what we can find and to make sure we don’t miss anything. In this video Ian discusses some very interesting finds, including a rare Roman military seal, one of only two known of this particular type at the time of discover (2022) - subsequently more have been discovered!

Ian’s Youtube channel cover some of the amazing discoveries at the site and Cumbria.

Separated by Time: a story of the bathhouse excavation in Carlisle

A film by Tullie, looking at the community excavation of Carlisle Cricket Club as part of the Uncovering Roman Carlisle project in 2023.